Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Don't You Forget About Me......As If I Could!!!

It's almost 28 years since I first saw the time honoured John Hughes classic "The Breakfast Club" I'd just returned from my first visit to America where "Breakfast Club" had already been released and managed to catch an 11pm showing just off of Oxford St and Tottenham Court Road in London's west end one Friday after work.....little did realize the profound effect a movie about five kids in high school detention would have on me.

Seldom has a movie come along that I could reacall all the names of the cast members{John,Andrew,Brian,Alison,Claire,Richard and Carl}much less car about all of them....ok maybe not so much Carl the Janitor but his role has its significence never more so in the scene w/ Vernon when they're drinking beer in the basement as Vernon bleets about"these kids turned on me" and Carl busts his balls how"you took a teaching job cos you thought it's be easy"
When I first saw the movie I was almost 22 now at almost 50 I'm like Richard Vernon if only in the respect of looking at the youth of today and wondering if they will take care of me in my twilight years but scratch just below the surface and my "inner John Bender" still lurks.

I can't think of a role that has resonated w/ me as much as that of Judd Nelson's John Bender,yeah I was  a rebel in high school but not at that level,more's the pity.
If I had a dollar for the times I've recited a John Bender line over the years I'd be wealthy beyond my dreams now,from"Screws fall out all the time" to my perenial favourite "How come Andrew gets up,if he gets up we'll all get up,it'll be's out of my hands"!!!! I've tried to make them a regular part of my daily isn't always easy to work "Show Dick some respect" and ''Does Barry Manilow know you raid his wardrobe on the weekends" but I try!!!!

Seeing the movie again last nite on the big screen for the first time since I first saw it back in 85 brought back a lot of great memories my toes were taping from the opening drumbeat of the Simple Minds classic "Don't You Forget About Me" and I wanted to jump up and boo when Richard Vernon first walked into the libary,yeah "The Breakfast Club" has that effect on me and I for one hope that in two years time on it's 30th anniversary we'll be treated to a reissue on dvd,can you imagine the gag reel and outtakes from this movie? and wouldn't you want to see them? I know I do!!

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